


Date posted

07 Feb 2022

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Why Mail Privacy Protection is increasing the importance of UTM tracking

What is it?

The roll out of iOS 15 sees the launch of Mail Privacy Protection.

Mail Privacy Protection prevents email senders from tracking email opens. It does this by blocking all tracking pixels embedded within an email.

Users are not opted in to Mail Privacy Protection by default. However, users are prompted to opt in post install and adoption rates are likely to be high.

Mail Privacy Protection is only applicable when reading emails in the Apple Mail app. Apple Mail accounts for 40% of all email opens, meaning a significant loss of performance data.

Why is it important?

Marketers will need to move away from email open metrics, and instead focus on lower funnel metrics such as visits, engagement & conversion. These can be captured in Google Analytics using UTM tracking.

UTM tracking now becomes a critical tool for measuring email performance. An advanced and robust UTM configuration is crucial for identifying optimisation opportunities.

Mail Privacy Protection was officially launched 20th September 2021, and adoption is expected to peak in October and November 2021. Marketers need to move quickly to enhance their UTM tracking capabilities.

What to do next?

  • Review UTM tracking urgently and ask yourself these questions:
    • Are you using all 6 available UTM parameters to capture email campaign data in Google Analytics?
    • Are you capturing information such as subject lines and CTA type (e.g. button, image, link) within your UTM tracking?
    • Do you have robust and reliable conversion metrics in Google Analytics, to identify opportunities to optimise performance of email campaigns?
  • Speak to us if you need help in implementing advanced UTM tracking with Mail Privacy Protection.