Diversity and inclusion

We welcome all people

Our mission

We have two core diversity goals.

  1. To ensure our team is representative of the world we live in.
  2. To contribute towards the removal of systemic racism.

Our plan

Our efforts to create a level playing field fall into the below framework, something we call PEERS:

Perception of RocketMill:

We want to make sure all potential candidates feel we are a business that will welcome them. This area of our work covers owned media, recruitment, partnerships/sponsorships, approachability, endorsements and accreditations.

Experience of RocketMill:

We want everyone to be a first class version of themselves, not a second class version of someone else. To do this we aim to create an environment where everyone is able to flourish. This area of our investment covers interviews, inductions, diversity training, visibility of marginalised groups and common resources.

Empowerment at RocketMill:

We want to empower everyone in our agency, from being able to simply discuss diversity, through to being an activist for change. Within this side of our work we cover committees, representation, whistleblowing and openness.


Much like in every other area of our business, we can never stop seeking to improve our efforts. To achieve this we have metrics that we measure and share transparently, we encourage peer reviewing, seek advice from industry leaders and will undertake equality impact assessments.

Systemic change:

We want to go beyond diversity in our own business in order to help level the playing field for all. As an example, this means building equity for those affected by systemic racism. Areas we are working towards include free training, mentorship, and recruiting via specialist organisations that tap into underprivileged talent pools.

Our data

We believe in being fully transparent and accountable, internally and externally on diversity. Here is our situation report, which we update quarterly. As you can see, we have work to do:

  • We are a team of +170 people
  • 51% are male, 49% of our team are female
  • 20% identify as an ethnic minority
  • 32.5% are from minority groups

Our gender pay gap is as follows:

  • Senior leadership – men earn slightly more than women
  • Middle management –  women earn slightly more than men
  • Executives –  men earn slightly more than women

Our ambition

We’ve set ourselves some goals to make us accountable and because we perform best when we have a target. By setting these targets we ensure that we craft a plan for achieving them and  chart our progress along the way. Here’s our ambitions, which we aim to achieve by the end of 2024:

  • 25% of our team will be from ethnic minorities.
  • 35% of our team will be from all minority groups.
  • A near equal male to female ratio.
  • A negligible gender pay gap.

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