

Date posted

13 Apr 2023

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We are RocketMill
This is Harry Elwell

Our SEO Content team creates and optimises high-quality content for our clients’ websites, targeting specific search queries and analysing performance data to improve visibility and ranking in the search engine results. Harry Elwell joined RocketMill as a Senior SEO Content Manager, following nine years working for large network agencies. Find out more about him and his day-to-day below.

Your role in a sentence?

I develop content strategies for our clients, planning and producing insight-driven content that helps them appear in organic search and fulfil key audience needs.

Favourite part of your role?

It goes without saying that it’s fantastic to work across such a wide range of clients, alongside some of the most talented people in the business. Content allows for a refreshing variety of tasks too, with opportunities to be creative and work closely with data, often at the same time.

The honest answer though, along with all of the above, is that there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing the performance data at the end of the month. It’s a real rush to see the positive impact of your writing and your content strategy.

Your journey so far?

I started at RocketMill in October 2021 and, for me, it was a big move. For nine years, I had exclusively worked on the large, multi-market network agency side.

Moving to an independent agency felt like a big step, but the truth was I’d been eyeing up RocketMill for a few years, waiting for the right role to appear.

Despite my initial nervousness, I immediately felt at home as soon as I joined and was able to hit the ground running. In my first few days, I was brought onto two new projects and found myself chatting and collaborating with new faces from the get-go. As intense as this might sound, it helped me to feel like I’d been part of the team for weeks already.

Over a year later, I now sit within a team of seven talented content specialists—more than double the size of the team when I joined—with two members reporting to me directly. As a team, we’ve grown from strength to strength. Establishing processes to rapidly identify gaps and create content plans for clients has enabled us to move seamlessly into retained content development workstreams for a number of clients.

As we continue to improve and expand, it’s safe to say the future’s looking very exciting for SEO Content at RocketMill!

Best project to date?

Hard to pick just one project, but our work on Freedom Finance has a special place in my heart—and not just because it was my first client after joining.

There has never been a more important time for consumers to be informed about their lending. The current economic climate has created a crucial need for content that educates consumers about their lending options, and guides them towards platforms like Freedom Finance.

Through this project, we’ve seen sizable increases in organic traffic as a result of our content strategy, targeting consumer needs that the biggest competitors overlook.

Advice for someone looking to start in SEO Content?

The days of writing for search engines are over—the Helpful Content system, amongst other Google updates, has seen to that. We write for people.

Focus on developing the ability to leverage data and insights, turning them into practical content that helps users from a position of experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

Of course, the best way to get experience doing this is learning on the job! As luck would have it, our annual SEO Academy provides training and first-hand experience in both technical and content-focused SEO. So, if you’re looking to get a foot in the door, keep an eye out for our RocketMill Academy announcement posts on LinkedIn.

Why RocketMill?

There are so many things I could say here. What really struck me from the beginning though, is the genuine sense of community and support that shines through every day.

When there’s news of a promotion, a birthday, an anniversary, or a new business win, everyone—and I mean everyone—gets in and shares the love. In 10 years’ agency experience, I’ve never seen such a genuine sense of community across such a vast group of people.

Looking at the bigger picture and the wider agency landscape, it’s pretty clear why this is the case—nobody is doing what RocketMill is doing right now. The shift to an employee-ownership model has changed the game for so many of us. Not just because we get a bonus when the company turns a profit—though it is very welcome, it has to be said—but because we have a genuine say in what the future of the company looks like.

What does this mean? When the company wins, we win.

Every time there’s good news to share—whether an award nomination, a client success story, or a new business win—we all benefit directly. This has allowed a special kind of culture to grow—we’re all in it together, supporting each other every step of the way.

Life outside of RocketMill?

Outside of work, you’ll typically find me jumping between an endless rotation of hobbies and projects—every few weeks I seem to have discovered a new obsession.

I’m particularly passionate about game development, which can sometimes feel like ten hobbies in one! One day you’re thinking about game design and programming, the next day you’re composing music or making artwork. It’s perfect for anyone who likes to dabble in a variety of complimentary creative outlets.

But above all else, seeing people play and enjoy something you’ve spent hours building is an incredible feeling!