


Date posted

24 Mar 2022

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How to upgrade your use of data & technology for a cookieless future

What is it?

The digital analytics landscape has seen an accelerated rate of change in the past years as a result of focus on user privacy.

The emergence of initiatives from Apple (App Tracking Transparency), Google (3rd party cookie deprecation) and privacy-first browsers (e.g. Brave) are changing the way we use data, and the efficacy of digital marketing strategies.

As the privacy paradigm changes, so too must your martech stack, and the way you use data to communicate with your customers.

Why is it important?

It is increasingly difficult to accurately measure marketing performance using cookie-reliant data

Rising CPMs means effective audience based targeting is ever more crucial, meanwhile becoming more difficult to perform

People are asking for transparency in how their data is collected and used. It is paramount that your tracking respects user choice, not just for compliance but also building brand trust

You can be privacy-first, and have strong optimised digital marketing

As privacy measures continue to increase, audience strategies will need to be less reliant on third party data

Walled gardens of Meta, Google & Amazon are releasing innovations to enable you to continue to communicate with the right people

First party data is is critical to identify and activate audiences in a cookieless landscape

User-intuitive consent management will build trust with your potential customers

What to do next?

  • Ensure you have a compliant consent management solution
  • Create a measurement plan to collect key on-site/in-app user behaviour alongside conversions
  • Utilise your first party data to find and activate audiences
  • Implement Google Consent Mode to capture conversions without cookies or user data
  • Send hashed PII via Google Enhanced Conversions & Meta’s Conversions API to improve targeting in walled gardens
  • Consider server-side tag management using Google Tag Manager
  • Consider a CDP solution to unify behavioural & CRM datasets and activate audiences using your first party data
  • Implement GA4, the new version of Google Analytics
  • Speak to us if you need help preparing for a cookieless future