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How we helped increase Huggies® Pull-Ups® sales by 26% year on year

Increase in brand awareness


Increase in year on year sales


Best sales performance in 6 years


Huggies® have been making Pull Ups® ‘Trainers’ for potty training since 1989. Big Kids start potty training around 2 years old and Huggies® wanted to broaden the portfolio and get parents buying Huggies® Pull-Ups® earlier from age 9 months. This led to the creation of Huggies® Pull-Ups® Explorers, made for adventures from the moment your child stands on their own two feet and begins to take their first steps. Our challenge was to reposition the brand and get parents buying Pull-Ups® earlier, from first steps.


The moment a baby stands on their own two feet they become a ‘Big Kid’ and start to explore. This is the moment we want parents to buy new Huggies® Pull-Ups® Explorers. It’s also the beginning of a new adventure for kids, full of new experiences and new milestones to achieve on a daily basis . This new adventure is a bit like a game in which every new level is rewarded with a celebration.


The Big Kid Game. It starts the moment a child stands on your own two feet for the first time and pulls on some new Huggies® Pull-Ups® Explorers. We created the players, each representing a key milestone – The Stand Up Kid, The Explorer, The Hotstepper, The Potty King & Queen, the game of milestones as a poster with stickers and a digital game to play in Instagram. We recruited influencers and parents to play the game with their kids and promoted it through a fully integrated campaign across TV, video & social channels.


30” Broadcast Television Commercial (feat. rapper and comedian Doc Brown)

‘Sing-a-long’ 15” Instagram Story

Big Kid Game Participation Guide

GIPHY Stickers for Instagram

Physical Big Kid Game and Sticker Pack

Big Kid Filter


By increasing spontaneous awareness of the brand by 41%, Pull-Ups® sales went up 26% year on year. Giving them their best sales performance in six years.

We continue to optimise the assets for digital channel, providing incremental gains to their performance as the campaign goes on.


Increase in brand awareness


Increase in year on year sales


Best sales performance in 6 years

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