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How we used data to inform creative messaging and increase CVR by 135% for DryNites®


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The brief

We set out to test whether tailoring content specific to the time of day improved performance through dynamic creative optimisation for Huggies DryNites®.

How we did it

  • By pulling insights from multiple platforms we are able to identify key moments of receptivity with our target audience. We noticed recurring trends through our paid search activity so overlaid our social data to see if they would match.
  • We identified that our parent audience were most receptive at certain times throughout the day and demonstrated different behaviours according to the time of day. This insight opened up the opportunity for us to test delivering a tailored message at the appropriate time of day.
  • We opted to use a dynamic creative optimisation platform, Innovid, which allowed us to change and adapt our messaging and visual creative based on the time of day.
  • Working with Innovid we were able to easily tweak and create multiple versions of our core media assets, adapted accordingly based on the time of day. These variations included relevant imagery and copy that referred to activities normally carried out at specific times of day, for example ‘Don’t spend your morning yawning. DryNites Pyjama Pants have 5 layers of unbeatable protection so kids can wake up AWESOME!’ and ‘Bedtime should be a special time. Claim your free sample of DryNites to help kids go to bed worry-free and wake up AWESOME’.
  • Using Innovid’s innovative solution we were able to make quick changes to our ad copy within our assets, which only took one hour to syndicate to Facebook & Instagram. By doing this we were able to test and optimise our creatives almost instantly throughout the campaign’s flight.
  • We had a four phase test plan and were delighted that each phase ended in further and further improvements to performance. By the end of the campaign we had achieved the best performing results to date in terms of conversion rate and CTR, as well as a reduced CPA. Time of day specific ad targeting is now an essential part of our ongoing media planning for the foreseeable future.



“It’s great working with RocketMill trialling new technology, RocketMill used their extensive data and insights on our audience to pinpoint a specific ‘who’ and then overlaid their creative messaging. The result of this combination saw significant impact on conversion and ultimately aligns to our business goal of better connecting with our consumers.”

Stephanie Madrell – Marketing Manager, DryNites®



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