


Date posted

17 Mar 2022

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Are your media campaigns running with performance creative in mind?

What is it?

Performance creative is a methodology with a conscious focus on driving the efficacy of your creative assets within your digital marketing channels.

Performance creative is built upon a workflow, where you are actively and regularly trying to maintain and improve your creative in context to the other performance factors within your campaign. Processes such as hypothesising, testing and reporting are routinely actioned between client, creative and media teams in order to try and disrupt the metrics influenced by your creative (such as CTR).

Workflows can be managed through spreadsheets, or in some cases through a specialist app such as ‘Motion’ (

Why is it important?

A media campaign has multiple performance drivers that can be optimised during its lifespan. One of the most important drivers is in the efficacy of your creative. In a recent study by Nielsen, the creative was said to be the key advertising element when it came to driving sales for a campaign, providing 47% of the overall contribution.

With this in mind, implementing a workflow that wholeheartedly focuses efforts on the efficacy of the creative assets your running (alongside targeting, frequency and other media factors) should be considered a key action if you want to ensure the ongoing success of your campaigns.

What to do next?

If you’re running a media campaign, and
don’t have a performance creative workflow in place, then it’s likely you have untapped potential within your campaigns.

In order to get going on performance creative, you need to first you have the right people involved within the ongoing optimisation of your campaign (media manager/buyer, creative strategist, creative practitioner). Organising these specialisms into a monthly cadence is the first step.

Next, work with a performance creative specialist to ensure you have the right workflows in place to organise these specialisms in a targeted, performance driven way.

Speak to us if you need any assistance.