


Date posted

09 Oct 2023

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Are you monitoring your SEO eCommerce strategy?

SEO is a key component of any marketing strategy and, with eCommerce, driving high quality traffic to your website is an essential part of your sales cycle.

But both the eCommerce and SEO industries are constantly evolving, and if you aren’t on top of the latest developments and trends, your business will suffer.

Based upon learnings from last month’s brightonSEO, we look at the key areas that should be regularly reviewed within your SEO strategy to ensure your business stays top of the SERPs and is driving revenue from those searching for your products.

Evolving your strategy

Your SEO strategy should evolve with your audience, considering their changing values, interests, and needs. Researching trends will help you find relevant keywords to meet consumer demands without overwhelming them with everything you have to offer.

In tandem, you can enhance visibility by targeting specific, transactional long-tail keywords for individual products and make use of eCommerce filters to improve the discoverability of products/services.

On top of this, AI, like Search Generative Experience (SGE), is transforming the search industry and will change customer journeys, which will affect your website. Maintaining a seamless on-site user experience – ensuring optimal site speed – is crucial as we adapt to these changes.

Driving value through SEO

To ensure your SEO strategy is reaching its full potential, build the following into your best practices:

  • Frequently analyse the SERP: Are there new features? How can you optimise for them? Are you still meeting consumer demands within the SERP environment
  • Implement SEO-friendly product filters: Bridge discoverability with product relevancy whilst considering the technical challenges from indexing filtered content.
  • Review existing and create new content: Does your content cater for ever-changing consumers throughout their journey?
  • Focus on the user experience: Create a seamless experience that addresses consumer needs without creating the paradox of choice.
  • Consider technical health: Conduct technical audits to ensure key pages are indexed and sitemaps up to date.